Villas of Arden Mills Committees
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All committee members are volunteers. If you would like to join a committee, fill out the form on the CONTACT US page and you will receive information.
Book Nook
This small committee keeps our “Book Nook” in excellent shape. It is clean and tidy and very well organized. They maintain all the books, removing duplicates and keeping the library current. When books are donated or returned, they are put in proper order. Residents are free to take home any book at any time to enjoy.
Buildings and Roads
The Buildings & Roads Committee manages the Building Maintenance Program, the Cement Surface Maintenance Program, and the Asphalt Surface Maintenance Program. We specify, establish, and monitor all activities associated to snow removal, our private water system, and in conjunction with the Grounds Committee, our storm-water management system. We provide the local response to all Issues reported by residents to the Management Company. We publish an Exterior Maintenance Guide which defines the responsibility for specific elements of our Community for the Association and the resident.
Building Maintenance Program – We inspect all buildings in the Community on a triannual basis (1/3 of the Community each year). A report is prepared for the Board of conditions encountered and recommended action. Notification is made to residents of conditions that may require their action. Specifications are created & maintained for each type of building work (Painting, Masonry, e.g.). We review and approve all building Alteration Requests prior to their approval by the Board.
Cement Surface Maintenance Program – We inspect all cement flatwork annually. This is primarily a safety program for unit sidewalks and the swimming pool. The Common cement surfaces of the Clubhouse and swimming pool have a maintenance aspect as well. A report is prepared for the Board of conditions encountered and recommended action. Notification is made to residents of safety issues for their action.
Asphalt Surface Maintenance Program – We inspect all asphalt surfaces annually. A report is prepared for the Board of conditions encountered and recommended action.
For each of the above Programs, upon Board approval, work lists are prepared for Management Co. contractors, work is scheduled, work is monitored, and work is inspected to assure the desired outcomes and, invoices are checked prior to payment by the Management Co. For each of the above Programs, we manage the lifecycle for maintenance, repair, and replacement of all elements, as defined by the Reserve Fund Plan. Buildings & Roads volunteers may provide the work in lieu of Management Co. contractors, where time and talent permit.
We work with the Finance Committee in preparing the annual Operating Budget for Buildings & Roads line items. We also recommend Projects for inclusion in the Operating Budget and Reserve Fund Plan for Board consideration for Community improvements.
Submitted for the Buildings & Roads Committee by Ron Richards on April 23, 2018
The Clubhouse Committee works with the management company and the Board to develop specifications for interior cleaning, exercise equipment repair, window washing, etc. They evaluate bids, recommend contractor selection for Board approval and oversee contractor performance. They make recommendations to the Board for interior furnishings repair and replacement along with interior rearrangement. The committee members perform maintenance such as changing furnace filters, light bulb replacement for the clubhouse, mail house and entry. They see that garbage/recycling cans get to and from the curb for pick up, change light timers, refill toilet tissue and hand towel dispensers, clean floors including carpets, schedule the spring cleaning of the clubhouse and do pre and post inspections of clubhouse rentals.
They work with the Finance Committee to prepare forecasted expenses for budget preparation, audit the work performed and invoiced by contractors. They also develop and maintain the clubhouse portion of the Reserve Budget.
The purpose of the Emergency Committee is to prepare and maintain an Emergency Directory which contains emergency contact information as well as any special needs for residents in the case of an emergency. This directory is confidential and is only available to the Emergency Committee. A copy of this directory is kept in the community documents and on file in the office.
They also maintain an Emergency Contact Chain in the event of an emergency evacuation. The Emergency Committee and the Board members are assigned a specific group of units to contact.
At the direction of the Board the Finance Committee creates the Operating Budget for each fiscal year, working closely with each Committee to receive forecasted expenses.
Finance performs an audit of the monthly financial statements of the Association monitoring cash flow and expenses to budget. They also update the financial status of the Reserve Study regarding expenses and also provide guidance and recommendations to the Board regarding Reserve Account investments.
This committee also works with the management company to assure the books of the Association are kept according to sound accounting principles.
They provide oversight of the association's insurance, water, sewage and trash services and any contracts for these services. They then make recommendations to the Board for any service changes.
The Grounds Committee works to assure consistent landscape quality throughout the community. They accept responsibility for the Association for the grounds associated with each building.
They work with the management company to develop the landscape specifications, evaluate bids for landscape, recommend landscape contractor(s) for Board approval and oversee landscape contractor(s) performance.
This committee develops recommendations to the Board for ongoing plantings (flowers, trees, shrubs, etc.) for the clubhouse, entryway, and other common areas, drainage improvements, pond maintenance and pond equipment repair & storage, insect and bug control, and erosion containment. They also recommend other actions to improve the aesthetics (look and feel) of our community.
The Grounds Committee perform or direct the maintenance as needed to water all plants, trees and shrubbery at the clubhouse and entry way. They care for all common plants, trees and shrubbery to maintain appearance, apply chemicals to ponds and replace common plants, trees and shrubbery that die.
They work with the Budget Committee to prepare forecasted expenses for budget preparation, audit the work performed and invoiced by contractors to assure the Association is getting what we pay for and develop and maintain the Grounds portion of the Reserve Study.
The Newsletter and calendar are published once per month for distribution to the Community.
Articles are submitted to the person compiling the newsletter. Articles may be obtained from any resident, sharing facts of interest to the community, or observations. The newsletter is also a means for the Board and committees to communicate to all residents.
- Give notice a minimum of one week in advance via email to the board and committees requesting dates for the calendar and articles for the newsletter to be submitted by a designated date (date chosen prior to month end).
- Newsletter staff compiles the newsletter and calendar for distribution prior to the beginning of the month.
- Calendar and newsletter when completed should be submitted to the President of the Board prior to distribution, to receive approval.
- All articles are printed as submitted. Only grammar corrections are made by the editor.
- Fill ins are at the discretion of the editor.
- Upon completion, the newsletter and calendar are converted to a PDF file and sent to the website committee for distribution.
- The editor makes the required amount of printed forms and gives them to the website committee for distribution.
The Pool Committee daily tests chlorine and PH levels, verifies water is at the proper level (adding when needed), cleans the skimmer basket, checks the pressure reading on the filter so they are no higher than 26, checks that the furniture has been returned to proper positions and umbrellas are down and tied and last but not least, they check to verify that all clubhouse doors are locked at the end of the day.
They work with Lou in management to develop specifications for the pool maintenance contractor, evaluate bids for contractors, recommend contractor selection for Board approval, oversee the contractor's performance, order any supplies needed outside of those. The contractor is responsible for and schedule the pool opening and closing dates.
To open the season, they uncover all furniture, clean & recondition all pool furniture as needed, and arrange around the pool area. They also maintain the duties of propane refills and maintenance of the fire pit. At the end of the season, they cover all the furniture and fire pit and store the umbrellas and gas grill. They will also clear all furniture from cement area around pool when the surface is to be sealed.
The Pool Committee works with the Finance Committee to provide forecasted expenses for each year’s budget preparation, audit the work performed and invoiced by contracts prior to payment. They develop and maintain the swimming pool portion of the reserve budget; making recommendations to the board for exterior furnishings, repair and replacement.
The purpose of the Social Committee is to provide a venue for the residents to meet and socialize and for new members of the community to become acquainted with their neighbors in the Villas of Arden Mills.
In January of each year this Committee provides a Social Calendar of Events for that year to the Board for approval contacts the Management Co. to reserve the dates for these community events and publishes this Calendar of Events for the community.
We are responsible for planning socials and purchasing items needed to provide a quality event. We are also responsible for set-up and clean-up after each event. We meet once a month to discuss and plan upcoming events. Minutes of the meetings are provided to the Board. Some of these events include the soup nights, holiday picnics, Christmas gala and many more. We co-ordinate Committee and resident volunteers for some monthly social events. The Chairperson keeps the Board informed at the monthly board meeting of the event for the month.
This Committee is not included in the Operating Budget and relies on donations and proceeds from fund raising activities. We create and manage the Social Fund bank account. A Financial Report is provided to the Board along with the Minutes of each meeting.
Submitted for the Social Committee by Kay Richards on April 21, 2018
The purpose of the Website Committee is to maintain and keep our website up to date and informative. The website is used to post our monthly newsletter and calendar. You can also download various forms from this site. The website address is
We post photos on our website so that they can be enjoyed by anyone viewing the photo section of our website.
We have developed and maintain a resident directory, updating this as needed when people move into and out of the neighborhood. This directory contains names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and building numbers. To access the resident directory, click on the forms page and you will be instructed how to obtain the password.
We also use our community e-mail to advise residents of information that becomes available and needs to be passed along to them.
The goal of the Welcoming Committee is to greet and warmly welcome new residents, to introduce them and assist in their assimilation into the community…in a timely manner.
A committee member makes a personal visit to the new resident and verbally identifies key information in their new folder and encourages them to become involved in the community.
New resident(s) are provided with a packet of current VOAM information including the latest revision of Rules and Regulations along with gift certificates and fresh baked goodies.
The committee collects phone numbers and email addresses from new residents. This information is then distributed to the Emergency Committee and the Web site Committee to be included in the residential directory. In addition a short bio is collected from new residents and a photo is taken to be submitted with bio to the newsletter editor for inclusion in the monthly newsletter.
The chairperson also attends VOAM board meetings on behalf of the committee.